
I would never have believed GM would be reduced to peddling bikes.

Smuggy McHipsterface.

I know we all love to pile on Tesla and their fan-boyish owners.

Tom, your articles are always informative based on your ongoing experience in the business, and having you here is a real asset to Jalopnik (a win-win). Thanks.

It looks absolutely amazing after rain. Took this on my 3 a few weeks ago

It’s my understanding that payload and towing in that class isn’t as much hardware limited as it segment appropriate. i.e. the ride/capacity target is right in the 6500/1500 lbs towing capacity/payload range so that buyers get the capability they will actually use before stepping up to full size and still enjoy the

New Forward Control brah.

Nah, Comanche Renegade....

Do the horses enjoy it?  Neighgative.

I was never Zero’s biggest fan, but now that Alta is gone...I really want Zero to make it.

Huge bummer they lost Rory Reid, I hope he left on his own accord, because if they shuffled him out, it’s a huge mistake. I was bummed at the loss of LeBlanc, but with both Reid and LeBlanc gone, I am not entirely sure I’ll give it a go.

Therein lies the problem with mainstreaming studies into catchy headlines.

No Such Thing As Too Much Exercise, Study Finds

So long as it’s not extreme endurance exercise, maybe. This is particularly true of prolonged physical exertion of joints, tendons, ligaments, and the like. There are links to serious physical and irreparable damage and marathon runners, for example. Many body parts have a finite lifespan and are ‘repaired’ at a rate

As a resident of Leafs country and a fan of the Oilers since I was a little kid in the 80's, I welcome this return to the “fuck it, let’s just score all the goals” brand of hockey. Give me all the 7-5 games.

Counterpoint: Lord Stanley’s Cup belongs to America now, and the more teams south of the Mason-Dixon line that win it the better. Let us instead celebrate the surprising Carolina Hurricanes, currently sitting on top of the Metropolitan.

please do not discuss unrelated topics such as the current score of the game in this Connor McDavid comments section

The JKU, for all of it’s minor blemishes, is a surprisingly well put together vehicle. Of course that may just be selection bias on my part. I’ve put mine through some pretty nasty things over the past 4 years and, other than a few dents and scratches, it’s still mechanically and structurally sound as the day I bought

After all this wailing showing the most toxic, racist side of fandom this is the Ciri actress. Funny how they all could’ve just waited like normal people instead of making asses of themselves because of rumours