
I can see it now.

I don’t like him. He’s too neutral...

Honestly you should see it in the theatre. Right before they take it down though so that there aren’t many people left in attendence. Nothing like watching a movie in an empty theatre

Honestly, I suspect quite a few of those people were planning on voting but had literally zero interest in being on TV and participating in his stupid stunt. I know if I was just sitting waiting for a bus with a bunch of other people and that dude came up to everyone and started trying to run an impromptu focus group

It’s cute now, but as Hurricanes get stronger, the surge will overcome the boards and destroy the low-lying areas.

Don’t kid yourself, if there was a asteroid headed to earth by 2040 there would be entire industries devoted to downplaying the probability and urging you to continue life as normal and keep shopping. Politicians would say the science isn’t settled and that there is no need to disrupt business based on a probability.

I know this wasn’t in the US, but it sounds like collection agencies there are similar to here. Which is to say: Shady as fuck and not interested in facts.

Breaks an easily understood law, complains about getting punished.


Nice price or crack pipe

No, but you can get the same experience by hitting yourself in the head with a hammer.

These type of products usually seem geared to people who don’t already have one - not for people who own the original to upgrade (which, sure, some people do). I didn’t get the original Xbox One but I picked up an S when it came out.

That really turned the momentum around. Boston scored just as much in the last six minutes after the fight as they did in the 54 before it.

But the market-adopted (misnomer) for LED backlit displays is “LED display”. I find it hard to believe that a console like the switch would use a largely experimental technology like an actual LED display. They are only coming out now in high end TVs, far more expensive than OLED technology.

I mean MicroLED literally uses individual LEDs for pixels, but that’s almost certainly not getting into a cheap game console any time soon.

You do know that an “LED” display is simply an LED-backlit LCD, right? And that that’s exactly what the Switch uses now? Now, that’s not to say there aren’t higher-quality LCDs available that Nintendo could use to improve the screen, but to say the screen technology is changing shows a gross misunderstanding of

“Tom Wilson has caused more brain damage on ice than any Canadian since the Nunuvat Inuit tribe was at the peak of their seal hunting in the 1800s, baby”- Dennis Miller probably whatever  

Huh. Kinda wish they’d kept it.

Legion might be up there as my favorite X-related production, movie or otherwise.

I actually find many of the spinoffs WAY more interesting! Like, I loved Cable & Deadpool and if anyone ever saw the fairly short-lived X-Man series from the 90's, Nate Grey’s story was one of my favorite X-men related things for a long time(it stars an alternate-universe version of Cable that didn’t have the