
It’s still a noose, a relief that wasn’t directed at Bubba though. No other garage had a noose to pull their garage down.

Is it water to air or graphene to air?

Why is ford asking people if they’d stop banging?

people are trippin

Did they fix the garbage camera angles in that game? I don’t like having to hole the camera in an up position because I can’t see jack in front of me.

Good news! but also, believe when see :)

In the same way Gas fuel economy real world is often much less than what’s on the gov website.

We’ve flattened a curve but now we’re still standing on a cliff.

That’s good to know, thanks!  Do we know if humidity vs. dry heat affects it’s life?

Thanks skimmed over that part I guess.  

that’s wiiiiild

seems like this will start some fires. and also wheres the data 133 will kill 99% viruses.

So is this consumer friendly or no?  Could go either way I imagine.

I’m talking about saving the world, not whether they are fun or not.

Hell Yeah!

how bout we just shut down cruises forever?

yes yes yes xcom, but how does it compare to Mario and Rabbids Kingdom battle?

I was gonna just post “it’s Hedley”  Hahaha

Looks like a BMW from the early aughts

That’s a weird way to look at it.

isn’t the left ear the one that perceives vocal ranges more? Dude is using his right Turn Around!