
It’s fun to watch Mazda

Yeah true. Maybe get some deal for turning in current one, if worth an upgrade.

God Dangit, I waited so long for an update and caved last month to get one.


Why the hell would it be a good idea to bury plastic bags?

Lotta promises, but looks enticing.


woah. you must be a masta pyschic. quick think of somethin else.

Is this going to be cross-platform? That would e sweet for Co-op

Doesn’t this happen like every other year, same result?

You didn’t like GotG2?  I thought it was great!


Don’t lie to me James.  toying with my feelings.


I think it got best editing because it didn’t have any direction to work with.


uhh nah.

it’s ice not a field ;) lol

Didn’t think people would be so mad about this one lol

Would have been better if fleury just layed tkachuck out instead of falling down.