
The systems false activate all the time unfortunately, and during snowy conditions is a concern for me, give me a setting to disable please :)  But for the majority all for giving it to them.

Is there a date for GOTY edition or something like that?

Is there a date for GOTY edition or something like that?

quick question, is Rivian on NYSE?

Or they’re trying to be friendly and involve the community.  Dont get butthurt

A lot of Trucks have powered rear window  ie Ram 1500 etc...Except they open sideways slidin on open .

Noone cares about the cars with garbage range, that’s why they look into the actually viable EVs. Don’t waste time on shit cars.

Why don’t people like CVTs?  I have one and it’s great so far, I’d actually wish they didn’t do that simulated gear shifting thing, or at least give the option to turn on/off.


oh you asked why it doesn’t show that, I skipped that part.

Doesn’t the lightweight package take out all the seats except driver?

OOohhh, thanks for clearing it up.  That’s pretty shitty to do.

Why are reviews allowed for a game that isn’t out yet?

I’m half Canadian and I’m mad as Heck

Just a friendly reminder Reel Big Fish just put out a new album.

Just a friendly reminder Reel Big Fish just put out a new album.

Any new Switch hardware predictions?

Send Bobs to Philly.

Hey everybody we got a Phooonny

Why are you mad?

Where’s the sweatpants? lol