
This sounds awesome and has grabbed my attention for farcry 5.

Seat capacity 4? Do they have rear bucket seats?

Or maybe we’ll get Fable 4! woo!

Bright was great!

why wasn’t this at the autoshow?

Yes lets make it more difficult to control your vehicle resulting in more collisions. But when you do collide your hands won’t get hurt. The focus should be on preventative not reactive......i call bullshit

I really enjoyed this movie. I love optics so the idea behind refraction affecting everything was really cool. I was hoping to see more monsters though, just out of curiosity of what they would look like :)

I’m still waiting for those demon v tesla races

Custom Themes based on screenshots here I come!

Lol Mario + Rabids Strategy goty, that’s the only one i’m like.....funny to see. But also good to Hellblade on hear.

is it contained deceleration? With the weight these things are pulling I think they’d have to account for massive weight differences between empty, full, and unhinged.

I’m super concerned with “can it stop that fast?”

To be fair the design/engineering of the DA features cost is very siginificant.

Yeah true, but imo it’s lying to the customer. They are promoting a device which typically costs $300 as $330 in order to say they are taking off 15% in reality they are taking off 10%.

If they kept same price and just showed 10% off that would be acceptbale.

Yeah true, but imo it’s lying to the customer. They are promoting a device which typically costs $300 as $330 in

I just finished a box of the peanut butter one, will buy again.

Tide ads were where it was at though.

Awwww yeah Knack!

No worries, we can wait.

Aww yea Dessa!

Taking a human shower is the same thing tho, just trying to get the soap off.