
Speak for the Trees!

Actually the digital gauges are much more expensive than standard hybrid analog gauges with smaller screens..

I thought the salt planet has some of the best scenes of the movie.

Wow, the FCC is so corrupt and awful people actually want Congress to take control.

I think it’d be cool to get a true to height wolverine.

test seems a bit biased, if the car protected the passenger to a 2 star performance, it should get 2 stars.


That’s bullshit.

A hot dog is a hot dog, a sandwich is a sandwitch

Enter Shikari - The Spark?

Where the hell is fuel $1.49?


Humans weren’t designed to drive cars...But cars have been designed for humans to drive them.

‘The Senate chose to “left” it in.’ Is that a pun?

It’s so great to see how Subaru actually listens, after going from worst cupholders to best cupholders in just a few short years.

I don’t understand.

Goddammit i just beat darksiders from humble bundle

say whaaaaat

This is so Exciting!

Dangit meant to say 200+