
I was with you until the Returns dig. I love that weird movie.

It’s been a couple decades, now, I think we can all just admit it: for a certain version of Batman, Joel Schumacher’s Batman and Robin kind of rules.”

I must have seen that other version of Batman and Robin, ‘cause the one I watched absolutely sucked.

Tim, shut the fucking fuck up and quit opening your goddamn gob, you dense fucking cabbage.

“Listen I get it, Apple sucks, their fees are exorbitant, and they’re anti-competition. I’m on your side. Stick it to ‘em.”

It’s your fault you didn’t stop me from being such a dick is not a very convincing argument.

“It concludes with an unrelated but unsubtle political message: “TRUMP 2020.”

“Loris said he’s a Trump supporter . . .”

At the risk of being banished to the grays again, I say Eris Loris is a cunt. A cunty fucking cunt that has cunty little bots that fulfilled his cunty little desires for his cunty little president. I hope people that are eligible and play Among Us vote Biden just to spite this prick (and also because Biden is by leaps

So trump supporters are fucking lowlife losers and scumbags? Wow never would have guessed it.

Someone deplatform that dickwaffle, please... he is every a-hole bully combined.

There’s definitely a common denominator when it comes to the Republican party and the absolute worst of humanity being attracted to it.

He is what every 11 year old aspires to be when they turn 13.

“If you care about a game and are willing to go and spam dislike some random dude on the internet because you cant play it for 3 minutes, it’s stupid.”

douchebag. I hope his channel gets hacked.

You can say Epic sucks without being Pro-Apple. That Epic chose a target people dislike doesn’t change the fact that they’re doing some scumbag things. I have a lot of issues with Epic and they have a history of some scumbag maneuvers. Hell, the way they’ve handled their game store alone could lead to a 5 page rant.

So Epic wants to use Apple to expand their reach, but doesn’t want to actually compensate Apple for it.

Ugh. I just went from “not really caring because Fortnite is dumb, but thinking it’d be interesting if Epic won against Apple” to “hoping Epic suffocates from having its head so far up its own ass.

have you ever seen an argument so relentlessly stupid that you hate reality for existing because it hosts the existence of both entities in said argument? I’m feeling that right now. i know kotaku has to report(because what are they going to do, report on more than one video game at a time? silly, now lets post 4 more

So in other words, Apple is bad, help us so we can become just like Apple.

It feels more like posturing than reasoning - if not flat out marketing.