
Maybe Hector murders Kim😃

The Breaking Bad Wikia.

Walt was a badass. You don't do the shit he did in the Better Call Saul episode of BB if you're not one.

Not a bit pissed, I actually liked Hector better than Gus. That fucking bell! Margolis could do more with that little bell and his expression than most actors can do with Shakespearean level dialogue. And in the BCS version he exudes menace despite his encroaching illness. I have an idea though that Mike or Nacho one…

Yep, that's exactly what I'm thinking.

That last time wasn't to taunt him, it was to try to find out what Tio said to the DEA.

And Combo.

This would be much better on AMC or HBO. Or evrn Showtime or FX. But I have to give it a shot.

If this series has Claire running against Frank for president, I quit watching it. That's something that could only happen on a teevee show, a very stupid one. I guess it's also time to stop reading these reviews.

Just that it's supposedly someone we know from BB, but that could just be because of the guy in the previews (which other people have mentioned in these comments, which is why I knew about it). The target may be a different person, someone we don't know.

I'm thinking it might turn out Chuck is a crooked ass lawyer himself, hence the paranoia over elrcttonic equipment, which may have escalated from an excess of caution to nearly psychotic proportions.

Is it pretty well agreed the gun dealer in the previews is Nacho's intended victim? If not him, I'm thinking Skinny Pete, and it has domething to do with the time he spent in jail with Tuco.

And because he finds out Chuck is a crooked lawyer himself.

Everybody's overthinking this. Saul could have merely been trying to keep up the illussion of distance between himself and Gus, not really knowing Walt that well at that point.

What about mentioning Sandpiper by name? Seems to me that could open the firm to a counter suit.

Skinny Pete

I've been kinda thinking that, but it seems a little too far-fetched, unless it turns out Mike's son was abusive towards her.

Well it's not like the tequila is supposed to naturally poison people.

He was in the first season, but I forget exactly which episode. I'm thinking ep 2, maybe.

Yep, you're the first one so far who seems to have noticed that. Soon, we should also see Wendy, and the meth head couple with the kid, etc. I'm especially looking forward to seeing Tuco's uncle.