
They’ll have a chicken and egg problem: Gas stations won’t sell it because it will cost more which will make it cost even more to get hold of, unless governments force gas stations to sell this, and governments are betting more on EVs. Nice idea but too niche and the compromise design won’t take. See also hybrids and

I was wondering if this was the same article and I’d misread the headline or something. Thanks for clarifying that I’m not losing my mind.

Investment bankers even more so than lawyers.  As a colleague of mine said “Wall Street never runs out of reasons to combine companies and split companies, even though those are exact opposites.”

No “Soul Red” or is that just not what they call it there?

Something is up with Fiata fobs. It took my Fiat dealer hours to program a new one. I was there all day and they just kept telling me they had to keep doing it until it worked. Is it because they don’t know how to work the Mazda system or something? Investigative journalism required.

Blackwing is a very complicated “hot vee” turbo. Good for performance; terrible for reliability. Just ask BMW. It’s going to age as well as the Northstar, which means they’ll be unreliable nightmares.

I am openly anti-hybrid.  Everyone says these are the best of both worlds but I consider them the worst of both worlds: The maintenance and fuel fills of an ICE with the cost, weight & complexity of BEVs.

Came here for this.

Harleys do this under 10 miles.  There’s some variance depending on how you drive and they don’t want to overpromise if you’re a leadfoot.

Agree.  When a survey is this volatile it either means the spread between high & low isn’t significant or the measurements aren’t meaningful.

Jalop, you had an article on the best looking wheels. How about the ugliest? I nominate your Datsun B210

Reminder: Hot Vees cook valve seals.  Ask BMW.

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Electric motor reverse? Honda Goldwing did it first, using the starter motor...

This is why Tesla is crushing the legacy auto makers. Legacy automakers think:

This is being filed under “misogyny”. It might not be a popular opinion around here, but isn’t it just as possible she would have faced the same questions if she were a man who’d been in and out of rehab? It’s very chic to be the first to say “discrimination”, but I think we make ourselves subject to valid criticism

Regarding the Dodge Challenger ad in the photo:

Happy Presidents’ Day

The best plan is to be like Ted Kennedy and turn yourself in the next day.  That way you’re perfectly sober and the girl is already dead.

This is how you do it...

No disrespect to the car, but this is the worst how-its-made video I’ve ever seen. It’s a comically-bad case study in how NOT to do this. They focus on the wrong steps (lots of long, slow, boring interior assembly but totally skip paint?) then show the body/frame marriage as a CLOSEUP FROM THE FRONT?! Also why would