
I still don’t understand BAE, basic and bia. Please, someone enlighten me on these nonsense terms I will never use other than to ask what the fuck they mean.

Things I don’t understand.

So so so sorry for your loss. Wish I could say something more meaningful than that but I don't think anything meaningful to say exists at this point or any time in the near future (or even longer).

Man, as soon as I saw when the new season would start I put it in my phone calendar because I LOVE THAT SHOW.

I truly hope Fellows gives Dockery the time she needs to grieve. He can push this season in America without her. I hope she has time to heal.

The “north as up” tradition was really started by Ptolemy and popularized by the Europeans.

Yes!! I had my first baby on Tuesday, and not being pregnant anymore after a tough pregnancy is freaking amazing. I had a c-section 4 days ago and can move better and with less pain now than I could in the weeks leading up to birth. My baby is also awesome, so between the joy of baby and the joy of non-pregnancy, I'm

That would be the case if there was such a thing as “up” in space, but there isn’t. There’s no gravity and no sky. If you turn upside down, nothing changes except that south is on “top”.

Wait. Am I an idiot? I pretty much thought the North Pole pointed up as the earth circles the sun. And the axis tilts away from and towards the sun as the year progresses? Is my memory of third grade science wrong or was I lied to?

You know I wouldn’t be mad. I may also steal that for a future character name.

Please let it be South. Please let it be South. Please let it be South.

Thanks hon. Fortunately I ended up laughing because one of my kittens got really upset that I was upset and stood on my chest yowling at me because she didn’t know what was going on.

Maybe he tried to cut off the crew member at the bar inside the airport. Just screaming, “You’ve had enough already!” from the moving walkway...yeah, that’s what I’m going to imagine.

Ohhhh, isn’t that just usual airport manners? I’m used to people elbowing me aside and walking fast at me, making me jump out of the way.

Only if you like prog rock and pierogi. Oh, and you can’t be a douchebag and you have to get along with my cats. Then you’re invited.

Goddammit can we just stop with all the killing? Death begets death begets death. If someone kills a bunch of people, killing them doesn’t solve anything. It doesn’t work as a deterrent; it isn’t justice. It’s just petty revenge and it just costs us a significant amount of money and time. Just lock him up and throw

I hope he doesn’t get the death penalty. If we could take all that money and spend it on something, like, say, Planned Parenthood... *sigh*

Fun fact about the NRA: it actually lobbies against laws that criminalize domestic violence, because they make it harder for domestic abusers to buy guns.

He was not convicted of anything. Without a conviction, a background check would not have revealed anything that would have prevented him from buying a gun. The law doesn’t provide that someone who is only investigated for an incident (such as domestic violence) cannot legally obtain a gun. Which kind of makes sense,

There very well be mental illness at play here. But mental illness doesn’t equal violence. Plus, as Obama noted a few years ago, the US doesn’t have a monopoly on mental illness. We sadly aren’t even the only country with widespread white male privilege and national political figures who spew out hateful rhetoric that