
I'm glad you made a police report. And sorry that she is trying to rub this in your face. No two people will EVER handle an event in the same way, you make room for that in your tale, she seems not to. And it is all fine and well to be a 'retired police officer's' daughter, but that does not mean you will never ever

So, your roommate is giving you hell for getting an intruder OUT OF THE HOUSE? After 'hosting' an all day party and coming to blows with one of the attendees? You did the right thing, for you AND her, in your way. You are not the same as she is. You solved a problem in a peaceful way, and while you lost your cell

Giraffes can have teh internetz when they pry it from my cold, dead paws ~Miss Maude, chat de chez moi

Denton TX city council member has invited them already!

Please! Save me a cozy spot in Hell!

I wonder if the cubs we have to send back to China go to this research base. And if this is helping increase the depth of the panda gene pool.

I was wondering why all the teens were getting so excited over picnic baskets...

Some friends and I were talking about this company yesterday. At the time I commented that the CEO behaves as though he was getting revenge for being the unpopular outcast in high school. That opinion is confirmed by everything I've read about him.

I agree with what Alan Henry & ColumbusGEEK said. I'd add, get an instant read thermometer and know what temp gives you the doneness you prefer. For steaks/beef I start with a sear/browning on the stove and finish in the oven unless it is a rare steak that I want. For chicken, same thing. Brown the chicken on the

I bought a pair of doorstops (2 for a dollar) at the dollar store, added 2 soft drink bottle caps and VOILA! a laptop stand! Doorstops go at the back of my laptop, bottle caps at the front.

It does, and almost seems too casual for the event.

She needs whoever dressed Octavia Spencer to help her! And Adele could probably do well with the same person.

I am sooooo sorry. This choice is the hardest one we make for these precious souls we share our lives with. My thoughts and prayers will be with you this weekend.

This, just this.

Thank you AND your husband for your service. In my book, every spouse of a service person has also served. You may not have the military record, but your love and support is important.

The hospital was negligent. Mrs. Stodghill was not seeking an abortion, and may not have requested an early delivery, she was most likely seeking treatment for a condition that arose suddenly and one she hoped could be resolved in the emergency room. Once Mrs. Stodghill died, her twins should have been delivered

Sound was completely dropped, and I don't use cable/satellite just an old rabbit ears antenna (OTA).

Why would anyone put sour cream in guacamole? Avocado, lemon or lime juice, a few drops of Tabasco - DONE! Maybe some chopped onion, tomato and cilantro, if you want to really go all out.

I agree that it looks very accurate. To me the worst part of the whole painting is that DARK background. It really does cause a "keyhole portrait" effect.

If you click over to YouTube, the video is titled "A child with Down syndrome and his labrador", so either a family dog who is very good and gentle with children and their needs, or one who is trained to be attentive to a child with special needs.