
And the canned pumpkin puree is wonderful for cats with a tendency toward hairballs. And amazingly, mine likes it just plain. No added kibble or anything. She'll eat it right off a spoon.

Bevo on Mars! How cool is that!

Sugar, olive oil and a little bit of apple cider vinegar or grapefruit juice! Works great

My cousin's nickname as a baby was Porkchop! Luckily that was LONG before people obsessed about babies looking fat.

I don't have a news letter. My comment above comes from experience (living a low-carb lifestyle) and from the reading I've done on how sugar, in whatever form, decimates health. Gary Taubes' blog and his books "Why We Get Fat" and "Good Calories, Bad Calories" are great starting points.

Awwwwwwwwwww, who hurt pwecious's feewings?

My Uncle died last month. So, Harbor Lights will trigger the tears for me. It was his favorite song. It was playing on his ship as he was being shipped off to the Korean War (1st Marines) and he stood on deck looking at his wife for as long as he could see her and then until the lights faded from view.

Put down the pop and pick up a slice (or 3) of bacon for god's sake.

It pertains to anything that causes your body to release insulin. Insulin is the hormone that drives triglyceride production. Sugars, regardless of where they come from, are carbs.

It's not a popular position, but I've pretty much gotten past his animal abuse conviction. He's still not my favorite person, I still believe he got off VERY lightly, but he's served his time and most of the dogs taken from him have been placed where they are loved and cared for. Many have been adopted and are doing

Weekend Update NEEDED Stefon! Lamest one in quite a while!

ALL kittens are attention whores! And that applies when said kitten is a four-year old... who has decided it is time to resume the bed-mousie hunt, sits on the side of the bed and STARES until the hoomin gets the message that the covers MUST be raised so the kitten can saunter under them to curl up for a nap. And OMG

I can understand your confusion. The old saying "scales lie" is sort of true. They only tell you how much you weigh. And unless you invest in one that can tell you how much of your weight is muscle mass vs fat mass you just have the numbers on the dial. BUT, while you look as though you've lost 15-20 pounds, you have

Miss Maude prefers to dress as a kangaroo baby

She is beautiful. Basenjis are great jumpers and very strong. Mine used to pull me out of a chair when we played tug of war. That tiny frame is very deceptive. I'm so glad you have one another.

It doesn't look very public restroom... because how many restrooms have a) 2 toilets next to one another with NO dividing wall or b) a toilet AND a bidet. If it is the second it COULD be a hotel bathroom.

shrubby = Former owner.

My nephew was also terrified of dogs, for no reason anyone could figure out. BUT he did get over the fear, which resulted in his parents buying a Portugese Water Dog when he was 10 or so... that was the only kind of dog he thought was good/not scary.

Small bowls of vinegar, placed in the corners of a room, can help clear the room of smoky smells after a party.

I hope he includes the song Santa Baby (baby baby baby oooohhhh baby baby baby)