
Quite surprisingly, this movie ended up giving me one of my favorite filmgoing experiences.

I saw it at a radio station’s free screening in San Diego. Including me, the crowd was oh, about 75 percent Mexican/Mexican-American.

Cut to the scene in which Branaugh reveals that his “evil plan” involves returning Califas

Yeah, the first trilogy are adaptable. I personally think God-Emperor is great, but so much of it is internal, and it’s fundamentally a years-long conversation on the nature of prescience and wouldn’t work outside of novel form.

Featuring such characters as Rorshark, Doctor Man-Cattin’, and Nite Owl, who, let’s face it, was a furry to begin with.

if you didn’t see Lube Man leading to this, you weren’t paying enough attention

Well, I can’t unsee that. 

oh great so it’s just me

“Was Ozymandias involved????????” 

Was Ozymandias involved???????????

Hey, it’s my dad!

For real, my dad was one of the models who posed for the Hildebrandt’s Luke (it’s very obvious in the face; it’s definitely not Mark Hamill!). He was friends with the bros in the 70s in NJ and can be seen in some of the photos in their out of print art book as well. He passed away when I was 8 and

My mother used to do paste up and layout for Peterson Publishing back when it was rubber cement and exacto knife cutouts and layouts. At one point she was at Jeffries Banknote Company, an exceedingly famous printing outfit here in Los Angleles, and the president of the company came up to my mom and said,

“Your kid’s

-Carl Sagan

I thought for sure Bella was going to stand revealed as a hallucination of Ryan’s, and if you watch the episode, the first point at which that doesn’t hold up is when Bella grabs the gun and reveals her agenda. But prior to that, nobody but Ryan reacted directly to Bella. For example, when Graham is looking for Ryan

“Abrams ignored that and gave us lens flared, splashy, action scenes instead of re-scoping current moral dilemmas into user friendly forms.”

It didn’t creep me out necessarily, but I was kind of like “...huh?” 

TLJ never happened, and we never need speak of it again.

I kinda felt like he was giving Anthony Daniels a chance to participate in the fun out of respect for his tenure.

It really feels like he was playing it like he wanted to tell her he loved her.  Maybe they changed their mind at some point?  (Like when Rey can’t accept Luke’s lightsaber but then does two minutes later.)

The new Secretary of Energy, Don Key-Hodie, will be looking into that. Looking into it very strongly and should have something to report in two weeks. I think we’ll be surprised what they’re finding.

Veidt isn’t orbiting Mars.  He’s on one of the moons of Jupiter, probably Io, Europa, or Callisto. 

That reminds me of a joke...