
Some of my travel involves working providing clean water for remote villages. I’m not using 3rd world to be offensive - I’m using it to describe the level of infrastructure and sanitation, which is relevant to the infectious disease/ vaccination aspect of things. What other politically correct word should I be using?

I travel a fair bit, often to 3rd world regions. Before I visit another country I go to the hospital and my insurance doesn’t cover the vaccines I need, some of which can be rather expensive. This is because my choice caused the increased risk, so I bear the cost of that increased risk rather than forcing others in my

Sounds a lot like my dad when I was a kid. His friend sold him an old work truck (a Nissan, so not quite as good as toyota but still solid) for around $1000 as a deal because they were buddies. My dad drove it for almost 10 more years, and sold it for more than his friend sold it to him for. I still remember the ride

Totally agree. Our hall has a couple professional paintings and pictures set at adult eye levels, but the kids are free to display all the rest of their art. We also institute a policy of not stacking so when we have the 10th coloring page of the day the question is what other coloring they want to take down to put up

I agree there is no perfect solution.

Your first sentence is totally essential - 4K *at 60Hz* is great

Your first sentence is totally essential - 4K *at 60Hz* is great

Read the article - Ms. Skwarecki addresses this point well. In short:
- You can’t get measles vaccines at birth or in the womb, so there is a risk of passing it on to someone to young to get the vaccine, who is also more vulnerable to dying from it
- Immuno-compromised patients can’t get the vaccine, and are more

And tax incentives - the leaf gets a large tax rebate which the second owner sees $0 of, so I question whether the price drop is as substantial as it looks on paper...

I agree with this whole list, but will give 2 context that from experience I can say are worth drinking extra water for:

Important if you have someone over named Alex - I have multiple echo’s at home and one in my office at work, but my colleague in the office next door’s name is Alex. I have on multiple occasions triggered Alexa by mistake while talking with him and while it’s infrequent enough for me that it is just funny, if you had

On the flip side - as a parent with kids, I assume an unspecified invite is an invite for me, my wife and my kids. If you say adults only I will respect it 100%, but don’t get offended if I don’t show up. The only exception to this assumption is a formal event that involves a formal invitation addressed explicitly to

I wouldn’t buy anything that wasn’t 100's (probably 1000's) of 5 star reviews - I don’t care much if a sprinkler line or something breaks in my back yard, but a haywire pump that has even a 1% chance of pumping water all over my living room floor is not coming inside my home.

My concern is always this - if the dishes aren’t at least thoroughly rinsed the crud on the plates and bowls gets blasted into the insides of the cups. This seems to mean at least a pre-rinse right after a meal before things harden on. Any good alternatives?

While these women made an effort, they didn’t actually match the conditions fully enough to be a real experiment. According to a statement from the mall:
“In this instance, a Memphis Police Department officer repeatedly requested the individual to remove his ‘hoodie.’ He did not comply with this directive and was

Security camera instead of baby monitor. If you are buying one that you plan to use with your phone anyway a security camera is usually a lot cheaper, plus if you buy a name brand one the company is built around selling network attached devices, not baby gear, and therefore more likely to update firmware and keep it

Um ... pro-life advocates condemn that violence that has amounted to around 10 total deaths. If a very small subgroup promotes their message through violence it does not justify rejecting the whole message - doing so would simultaneously commit red herring, ad hominem, and hasty generalization logical fallacies. For

Um ... 3rd term abortions are are legal in about 1/3 of states, so embryos more advanced than what are shown here are allowed to be aborted...

3 solutions with 3 groups:

Conversely, “Our right to not be murdered by our mothers shouldn’t be a political issue.” We can come up with obvious sounding slogans for both sides, but there is a reason most conservatives are pro-life: they are convinced the fetus is a distinct human being, and genetically its pretty hard to argue with that.

Costco loves business purchasers - they actually have a few additional stores catered just to business with earlier hours and larger quantities for lower per item prices.