
Walk away AND leave a bad review on google maps. Hopefully that way when someone else tries to pull up directions it will give them pause that the dealer they are visiting has a low star rating, and the reduction of traffic and bad reviews might motivate them to change their business practices in ways that just

Completely agree that it should be the employees’ decision, but there is no reason management shouldn’t be able to point out some of the negative changes that will happen with a union. If the employees think they can get a better situation even after paying union dues because their company is treating them poorly then

2 problems with this article:

Elon Musk all too often says silly things (seems a number of high profile twitter users do) but this seems pretty legitimate. His argument is basically this - unions exist to protect workers from abuse. If the company is treating employees well, you don’t need a union. Benefits (especially health care), good pay,

I totally agree on this one. I stored my jumper cables on top of the spare tire in the back of my Forester from the day I bought it. Then the battery died and I couldn’t operate the electric latch on the tailgate to get to the jumper cables to recharge the battery.

I like a lot of the hacks I’ve seen here, but I’m having a hard time finding a plausible use case here.

I would leave a 3 star review. I typically disregard 1 star reviews unless there are a lot of them. If the food was good, say that, and if the service was bad say that. If one bad element of the meal makes the whole thing 1 star I especially disregard the review. I am far more interested in what was good and bad about

Among friends with a reasonably sized group using cc rather than bcc makes a lot of sense. But BCC is far from a universally bad feature. Some essential times to use it are:
- Corporate emails larger than a small group
- Emails where many of the recipients are less responsible. This can include a list with many elderly

This bridge has a lot of signage so its hard to have much pity for the guy, but what makes me lose all pity for him is the way he deals with it afterward - he leaves large debris in the middle of the roadway as a hazard for other drivers which was a direct product of him not obeying the laws of the road. Even after he

So ... free market competition leads to better quality and experience than large government bureaucracy. Why are we surprised by this?

Exactly... hypocrisy much? I can respect people who encourage everyone to vote, and those who encourage their friends to vote a certain way on an issue or candidate and give reasons for it (even if I disagree with them), but to be this partisan is to be anti-democracy in my opinion.

In California this is now illegal... for the pedestrian’s safety you are not allowed to enter a crosswalk with a vehicle if there is a pedestrian in the crosswalk. While it might be well intentioned, it makes frustrated people and sometimes people who zip around. (much like the stop at a school bus’s red flashing

Crucial distinction - Organic is a worthless designation in this context. Pesticide free is what matters if you are eating the skins, and both organic and GMO can use pesticides... if they are pesticide free (sometimes this is more common in organic, but sometimes organic uses more because organic approved pesticides

I do have a wife and kids so usually multiple tickets is the way to go for me, but even when my wife watches the kids and I go to a movie with my friends one of us usually buys all the tickets and then we pay each other back because so many theaters have reserved seating and we want to sit together. It is a

That is typically the practice. They can get in trouble for fraud if they stop giving you the service for the month you already paid for, so since they don’t want to pay you back the prorated portion of the month (the alternative that a few companies employ) they usually let you keep using the service until your

Especially irritating as the codes now say specifically to redeem them at movies anywhere ... I get iTunes not upgrading you to 4K when you paid Vudu or Amazon for the movie, but when you paid for the movie and redeemed the code just a slightly different way it is annoying.

One word: Reese’s!

Joel is 100% right on both counts:

Perfectly stated. I might add 4 little additional thoughts for those curious about other background:
- Many organic fruits and veggies state both organic AND pesticide free so read the labels closely. I personally don’t find a lot of value in organic, but I will pay extra for soft skinned fruits and veggies that have

Yes - kids will make a mess, and that is them being kids. Parents however should be responsible for their kids, and keep them from dangerous or highly disruptive situations. When my wife and I take our young kids out to eat it is not uncommon for one of us to finish first and take a younger one outside to walk around