
Unfortunately, the dog days are most definitely not over.

Whereas you're delusional, but at least you're not evil, I guess.

I realize you probably just missed the first s in spokesman, but thank you for the mental image of the IOC using pokemon as spokesmen. Come to think of it, that might help their reputation.

I thought Hero was him courting the Communist Party, with its message emphasizing the importance of national unity even if the ruler was an autocratic bastard.

That would of course be the natural time to start the Bubba Ho-Tep TV series.

I guess the project is "very personal" to 50 Cent in the sense that he's a big fan of Luke Cage?

I do - I get that there's a real problem with casting in Hollywood. I just think it's a bit unfair to drag this movie into it.

I was thinking of Norman Bethune, though I acknowledge the list of white people who did heroic things in China might not be too long.

I sometimes like to plot out extremely long trips in Google maps to see where it would send me. For example, Google's walking route from Paris to New Delhi would take 1575 hours and cross two warzones.

Reminds me of Person of Interest that way.

True, many things do sound classier in French.

It may be called football in most of the world, but in North America the correct term is soccer. Things have different names in different dialects. It's almost like insisting that Americans should call a car a 'voiture'.

Brandon Nowalk did a good job laying out the flaws of this episode (and the season in general) in the Newbie review. I really liked this episode, but it definitely wasn't perfect.

One thing I love about this movie is that despite all the ridiculous goings-on, most of the character are basically sane, intelligent people who act rationally within the terms of their own world-views. It's only when the viewer takes a step back that things look crazy.

Yeah, with Sansa in charge at Winterfell and at least one Northern house likely to be liquidated for treason, I could see Jon taking one of their places.

It would have been great if the next scene was Euron and his followers putting out to sea in a flotilla of half-assed, cobbled-together rowboats.

My friends and I would take a screen cap of a library computer's desktop, make that screen cap the new wallpaper, then delete all the actual shortcuts from the desktop & hide the start menu, leaving a normal-looking desktop where none of the 'icons' worked. Probably wasted more of our time than anyone else's, but we

I'm open to switching up the order of Bud, Miller & Coors, though I'll always be suspicious of a beer whose marketing focuses on how cold it tastes.

Is this the most specific they've gotten with the Toronto references? They mentioned a dentist's at Queen & Broadview, and then actually filmed the next scene at Queen & Broadview.

To paraphrase another HBO Sunday night show, that guy fucks.