
Don’t these people know better than to get on a bus with Keanu Reeves? 

This.  We can create an old persons club where we don’t see each other at all because we’re playing single player games alone, as the universe intended.  Glad to be a part of this movement. 

OH MY GOD! Darkhawk! I used to love this comic. Completely forgot it even existed till just now. Guess I know the rabbit hole I will fall down this evening. Wonder what happened to him...

Racing stripe + 15 WHP

I am HARDLY a good example of living with elegant simplicity. I really need to do this sort of purge.

I spent a couple years buying cheap pop culture shirts from daily shirt sites (teefury, shirt.woot, etc) ... Every time Ms. PRC talks about the show my comically large collections of t-shirts gets brought up.

I keep opening my drawers to show off to my girlfriend.”

“I keep opening my drawers to show off to my girlfriend.”

“Honey, we’ve talked about this, can you please use a coaster?”

I watched 2 episodes of this show yesterday.

You are. Trust me. I stayed at a Holiday Inn. 

The influx of second hand store donations has nothing to do with this dumb ass show. The new year is here, you just got a bunch of new shit, you are trapped in doors because its balls to the walls cold outside, you got a bunch of boxes in your garage from all the Amazon shit your ordered and you have nothing to do.

Following up on that line, is Bungie possibly getting back together with Microsoft? They seemed to be a very healthy couple.

Thank you for your service.

I was pleasantly surprised by the reasonable amount he is suing for relative to the value of what the manager had offered.

Clearly, lifetime food is over-payment for the harm caused, but the manager was likely trying to head off an insurance claim and lawsuit. Considering how much food BK throws away, the cost to the

Huh. K.

Excuse you, the ride is classic and I’d choose it over Space Mountain any day of the week.

I’d get multiple degrees.  I’d study guitar at Berklee as well as film scoring. 


I’m 45, worked my way up to CIO in my 30s, founded a startup 3 years ago, failed at that but found I like creating things by writing software. In two days I take my last final in the Masters of Software Development program at Boston University, where I focused on machine learning and app development.