another reason why I have yet to sync my phone to my 2018 camaro. Initially it was my superstition of hackers since cars have their very own wifi now, but now I dont have to worry about them, GM’s already doing it. yay!
another reason why I have yet to sync my phone to my 2018 camaro. Initially it was my superstition of hackers since cars have their very own wifi now, but now I dont have to worry about them, GM’s already doing it. yay!
through cause and effect, yeah,they kind of are. Marx’s manifesto was read by many. One of those fanboys was Vladimir Lenin. the rest is history....¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I can’t even hide my whiteness behind this anonymous name looking at that. WTF, girl? I know you bold and beautiful but there’s a limit. We white people can take booty to the face, but hygiene is one of our kryptonites (yes, we have multiple) and her sitting on that seat hurt my soul.
if you didn’t already know, that was suppose to be ‘The Terminator’ game but was canceled and sold off to someone else. The into of the city blowing up is from the movie. The first stage is the ruins of the future, and second boss in this video is the giant tank Reese has a flashback of when he falls asleep at the…
white, nudist, yoga, west coast. I bet she bathes in essential oils, is vacc free, and grows her own compost garden in her van.
as of 9:28am EST, 183 people are acting rebellious and voting yes out of spite of the truth.
but rugby players have a high gay to straight ratio. :(
“go with the flow” really helps. Also playing a character whose voice was sealed away by a spell, or lips were sewn shut. or if DM will allow it play a myconid and role play as Groot. The first 2 are great because you can learn you party and the players as you move along in the story and then break out your own shell.
get those kids thinking critically about that flag cause as adults they will need to decide what it represents. This is trump country now, that teacher barely touched any law worth breaking. Didn’t even attack anyone... just left it on the board just like a bumper sticker on a chevy you see while sitting at a red…
This tyrone looks like a lot lizard who spends his nights on 4chan. Guy needs to grow up.
I usually don’t become triggered by this man. He says many of things that would induce HBP but I have idiots in my family so it goes in one ear and out the other for me.... but this, this is making my soul scream. It’s so hard to tolerate his “nobody know this, but...”comments. I know he’s insecure about everything…
Ive reported a few players I’ve seen in the world. One player was moving in reverse (holding S-D or S-A keys down) but at full running speed and gliding over hills and obstacles with ease. The second time was someone running into a wall, pausing for 1sec, pressing “S” for 3sec, and then proceeding to run back into the…
people “mod” their vapes. Even your pic at the title is a man using a modded device. I’m not trying to sound like a tobacco lobbyist but I dont think we can blame this on vaping. Frequency of use, flavors and composition of mixture consumed, where it was purchased, brand, any mods, e-cig device manufacturer(s), etc. I…
its not just an INDY problem, it’s a Pocono problem. NASCAR has issues there as well. If you take every track’s crashes and tally up the worst and most dangerous in the modern era Pocono takes the prize. Davey Allison, Steve Park, and Elliott Sadler all had potential season-ending crashes. Then you got all the brake…
I bought a walkman. hi-res audio, bluetooth, long ass battery life, fm radio, easy copy ‘n paste itunes compatibility. Cons? feels like its half the size of an iphone and I had to get a case for it from japan. But at least the size of the drive and the amount of songs I can fit on it is only limited by the size of my…
I bought a walkman. hi-res audio, bluetooth, long ass battery life, fm radio, easy copy ‘n paste itunes…
retrobit/sega’s got you covered. but it will cost you $19.99
thats how politics work.
you forgot the version with “RE:” in the title, and an italic “af” at the end :P
Ferrari is a fraternity, not a car manufacturer. They can make all the sexy v12's they want, but their business practices leave the taste of vomit in my mouth.