
looks like they’re trying to compete with iRACING. They can flex all they want, but no GT released has capitalized on actually being a real racing sim. It claims to be, but the artifical and “arcade-y” feels of the cars/physics plagues the series like a nasty STD.

this is exactly what Jim Sterling was talking about...

go look at the 1993-94 season(s) and look at those drivers. Now tell me it was unpopular.

I work for the sales & marketing company that handles this for Walmart’s supercenters. I’m surprised your store pulled them. I know the entire department got a new mod but no mod showed this section as deleted. I’ve know for 2 weeks that it was going to end, just could not say. Only thing I could say is that all

i can varify that disnet went overboard with the toys. They were pumping them out faster than they could sale. I work for a sales and marketing company that works with Walmart supercenters. Believe me when I say this: they had more items than available space to place on the shelf.... in a fucking walmart.

I can agree with this. Playing racing sims on console had no effect on me until I started playing iRACING on PC. I’ve always taken pride in my ability to drive but I noticed after playing iRACING that my ability to listen and feel the car changed, and how I view traffic changed too. What I mean is I no longer drive

I removed mine with a box cutter blade. You have to be delicate and precise to not cut into the paint around it. Luckily the chrome “H” on my civic was being replaced with a solid red “H”. So much prettier now.

whatever that mini countach with the v8 was called, put that one in the worst list. It was a poor man’s lambo and it looked the part.

your shit tier is what I snacked on as a kid.

All I want is a vending machine that spits out junk. Without console commands on XB1 I have to play the game the hard way to build my castle and with the latest DLC giving us fighting arenas... I have to opt out due to resources being so low. I need my legion of robots and deathclaws damnnit!

I agree with Andretti. Its easy to know that a woman can race at the top level. It’s bias, inaccurrate, and over confident to think that she (or any man) can walk in and win a championship. He’s also right for closing that statement with a “prove him wrong” remark. The rest of the world has the same opinions about a

wont lie, I had to take a double look at that pic because for a second it looked like Obama was driving around H.R.H. Ms. Daisy II, then I noticed the background and felt releaved.

has nothing to do with income. Go look at California. It has to do with crystlars demographic not being the particular types to drive; they “ride” and do other things behind the wheel.

holy shit, was she trying to take a selfie as he drove by?

with a nickname like that i can assume only one thing, she was close and felt like they would not harm her making them essentially pets in her mind. I know someone with a dog thats half wolf. Love that dog... but he nor I never forget whats in that dog’s blood. That doesn’t even come close to a tiger but the same rule

apparently you’ve never seen one with a mesh grill, snorkle, and a tire rack on the back glass before!

I work for a sales & marketing company that does business for Wal Mart and I’ve seen some old stuff in their stores. I occasionally come across old PS2 games, wii collector items for $19.95, and rare gems that gamers havent gotten their hands on to scalp on ebay because the store is in batshit nowhere, USA. The reason, eh? haha... god that brings back memories of middle school. Every 30-something remembers those junior high papers you had to right and trying to get info from or right? ah the old internet days...

Funny how a woman with a drag queen’s name does not support LGBT. Hell, she even has a drag wig in the pic. wtf is up with this heifer?

I bet that was put in for the testers and programmers when they were programming the 1-hit KO’s and were lost with the times. Cool to see it pop back up.