god, my sister had the barbie that came with sissors to cut her hair. You can imagine where the story goes one full hour after her and I opened our presents on xmas.
god, my sister had the barbie that came with sissors to cut her hair. You can imagine where the story goes one full hour after her and I opened our presents on xmas.
so shes not even a gender swap then, is she? shes just a girl in a green hoodie? its as if nintendo only gave her the name to boost interest.... what would ever lead them to do such a thing. *gasp*
Julie Delpy is right. You cant bash black people because of the racebait that this whole thing is. It’s always been that way too. For a group of people who fight for racial equality and the extinction of racism in this country they sure love to racially profile and lable everything.. and you can’t argue against it or…
Im caught in the middle. Biker should know —or, lets be honest here... ADMIT— to check mirrors regularly for signs of state/city vehicles. If you avoid the police and do not surrender by any means then, I am sorry, but you are now subject to force by the officer(s) when they catch you. FOR THE COP... 22yrs and you…
holy crap the end of that video, where it says “and thats how you dont become a joker” it shows a cop parading a man and woman across the intersection with his gun lol
dont forget the pay2win public transportation
you save one shitty settlement, only to be instantly tasked with defending another crappy settlement where no sane human being should ever live.
Im a fan of 9. My second playthrough is always a different person or gender and I preset their characteristics in my head as i make them. Ususally plat #1 is the captain america archetype.nAfter that i usually spice it up and go the antihero route. sometimes I skip the story and just explore the world doing as i…
its mix communication. Its not only “rapists” but boys/girls in general. My sister entered highschool right after I did. I gave her “THE TALK” about boys because I knew how I was, how my friends were, and I knew how easy girls were (and some got knocked up because of it). Fast forward a few yrs and her BFF was “no…
his weight doe.... that man is a chunky monkey. Asians dont have the heart (literally) to hold that weight like white people do. He better have a son or the country will be without a leader by 2020.
2 things i really liked, the combat zone and the robot derby. I thought those were cool locations. I would of been nice to put Curie in the race and Strong in the cage. :P
body dont extend out under/past the door like this car does. Its more flat. I think its a lexus
Bald bull used to terrify me as a kid. I think i was in 5th grade when i finally beat him. I remember only that it was a fall/winter school night, mom was running the vacuum cleaner near my room and I gave up in round 3 durinf his bull charge... so i just randomly threw a punch and it connected for the tko. I was like…
so if those 2 sims share no common interests, does that mean the deal is off?
I hope this follows with a PROPER STRATEGY GUIDE release.... juss’sayin.
Reading this, I can’t help but feel like I am reading about a post-game report from League of Legends with the use of gay slurs, making another player rage the entire game, and then getting banned for it. lol
I am going to assume that this is an attempt to make a world where everyone is a 16-bit jrpg sprite from FF4/5/6? just.... it looks so bad in 3D.
“(As someone who recently left their Wii U running all day and night, I get it.)“
that pronounciation of “aerith” was grinding my gears. It was like nails on a chalkboard. Can’t stand that. You gunna be a weebo youtube channel, know what “TH” sounds like!!
dat purple chrome....