3rd season of The Following started off great with the body in a box killing, thought they would continue the bizarre killings but it's just gone back to stab stab stab.
3rd season of The Following started off great with the body in a box killing, thought they would continue the bizarre killings but it's just gone back to stab stab stab.
The end of this episode had a real "the Following" feel to it.
Clearly Lester Nygaard is pulled out of the lake and defrosted like Capt himself. He's the new Winter Soldier.
Please no, I can't handle seeing another innocent puppy get killed.
A lot of of people would work for several bottles of good Irish whiskey.
I used to hate Irish band Bell X1 for years because I guy I hated loved them. Used to call them Bellend 1 out of spite. Think they're all right nowadays. But yer man is still a dickhead.
Yeah, I really should start paying attention to things like that.
Calvary! And In Bruges.
It Follows. ah lads, for fucks sake!
I loved Looper. I hated Gravity. Er, that's it really.
Didn't 2 gay penguins get married in Indiana?
I assume he was singing this while snapping his fingers and holding a scotch on the rocks in the other hand.
Just wondering will Death Machine and Evolver make the list??
Sony had an online competition where players with the best lap times got to enter a driving academy. He now drives for Nissan and won some big race recently.
The Life And Times Of Tim should have gotten a runners up spot.
The end of Liar, Liar where a useless, lying father puts an entire plane of people in danger just to get his estranged wife and son back. Not to mention ruining Cary Elwes life.
So we can get Nicolas Cage in an Avengers movie!!!!!!
Ah, I thought it was the Bat Boy from Weekly World News. :(
*Nu fone who dis?
Iggy Azalea sounds like a rejected idea for a Muppet.