
man, sometimes the episodes feel much shorter than they are. does that make sense?

that's why it hit me hard, i think, because he had every reason to be very angry, but we've never seen him actually allow himself that before.

oh dang, the best of news

i didn't, because my sister and i watch them together and she is very big on not doing that sort of thing and would have destroyed me utterly if i had watched ahead

lapis befriends peedee off screen, and they spend the entire episode reading a newspaper and looking mildy annoyed at the shenanigans.

i have absolutely no interest in doing so.

i'd be stressed about eating anything with seeds in it myself.

wait, now i have to reread that

i agree about nick offerman, and that's about it. but i haven't been here in a while, it's good to see you still being you.

i kind of want to talk about the other episode too, but i'm not sure either

i did not watch them, and i even almost forgot it was on tonight! haha, exciting/nerve wracking times are ahead for me

heck, orwell himself wrote a very glowing review of we


heute auf deutsch

he's scott baio, an actor who was on tv shows.


one of those things will happen.

thanks, but i'm busy

i'm sure the master and the creepy t-shirt guy would get along, but i don't think they ever sold any of those wonderful manos robes

i remember how creepy the creepy guy was. he even had the creepy guy moustache.