
a dog looked at me with his eyes

it's not just butter, it's big buttery slabs.

it's just one picture of fabio now.


they were just trying to get him to go outside and get some sun!

send in the mimes first

many bothans died to bring you these amazing deals at low, low prices

disney is far more brutal about infringement. didn't you hear about the time they blew up an orphanage because one of the kids drew a mickey mouse?

bothans all stacked like cordwood

many star wars references cried out, and were… not silenced, but felt embarrased for a moment.

from many, butts?

i don't like legal departments. they're coarse and rough and irritating, and they get everywhere.

*guy fieri shovels an entire pork roast into his mouth in the manner of a feeding walrus*

wait, i had forgotten about zeke the plumber, that… actually did give me nightmares.

what i remember about that show was that… the desert?

suddenly aware of heart disease 35 year olds

good lord. wasn't PE already a daily lesson in humiliation and self hate?

so, can we reboot our continuity?

if i go by my own family and aquaintances, some of them are probably catholics who don't want to vote democrat, but who also loathe trump for his stance on immigration

i don't know. i hear this, and then i go to work or just out and…