
toxic (shock syndrome)

*this post sponsored by aflac*

"and if you look at the points on our projected guaranteed rate field, we're certain to make up for 90% of lost dividends through synergy alone."

dark majicks???

restaurant wars
restaurant wars
restaurant wars
restaurant wars
restaurant wars

could steven universe pull off a dialogue free episode? i'm actually curious

i take the view that they already have the ideas, had them and will have them. they exist at all times in all places, and there's little we can do about it.

it has honestly been a highlight of my day to get home from work, watch the episode and jump to comment here. you're all neat people

it's one of my all time favorites and i'm glad to know that i am not alone in this

secret team does have the hit song "secret team" though

"that's right, i'm a jerk!"

greg's seen it, and he's already working on an album cover based on their work

man, you better not be saying that about "tiger millionaire"

suddenly i want soos to make an appearance as an unnamed handyman, called in to fix the barn

great job, billy west

steven universe crossover with mst3k? joel's already in the show, this could work

i agree in every way


*cookie cat is surrounded by the rubies*

that… is exactly what i expected