
i really misread this comment

maybe, but she didn't get her start until the 20's, i think.

"lillian gish has a tattoo gun"

discuss the history of the republic of ragusa?

i thought it was made in 1919, and that they had only just rediscovered the film, which was thought to have been lost

yeah, the mongols never invaded, so kiev never lost primacy to moscow, and modern european russia is still a collection of princely republics!

man, i partly agree with you, but i live in a place with low rents that survives off tourism, and you're only telling part of the story.

i still want to see a flashback to the time they posed for that old timey painting (the hard part was getting the shark to pose)

that would be perfect. all reading the books and deciding to treat the stuffed toy she won as her familiar…

it's a lovely sounding planet

maybe she found one of those deep sea vents? or literally crawled out of an undersea fault line?

man, if they think that lapis is tired of the water…

my main positive feeling: i honestly want to see more of greg awkwardly interacting with lapis and peridot.


i suppose they could part with one cluster and still be feared.

they sure do love their doomsday devices.

there's still time! time and chaaaps enough.

better made bbq chips for me

also, is the light what greg referred to when he mentioned rose only being able to save a few people?

man, them telling steven to look away when they were about to bubble centi… that was nerve wracking and sad