
i used to only trust the staff favorites shelf at blockbusters

aw, that makes us seem kind of harmless

they really don't seem very happy about the situation.

carnies have led full lives, they have supped deeply from the well of experience. and other wells that are probably not worth mentioning.

i don't like havana nights. they're coarse and rough and gritty and they get everywhere.


that's actually pretty great. or terrifying.

*deletes own comment*

i hope that the bear wins for revenant.

milles bornes… dark memories of being trapped forever with a repaired car but no roll card rise up before me

xcom, not xcom 2, or oldcom, but xcom. it's what i have

will we still have to click "load more comments" several dozen times?

*disqus fails to notice any difference*


the upvotes were an illusion. the power was within you the whole time!

the martian furiously mauls leonardo dicaprio in brooklyn, then escapes to the bridge of spies, where it's shortly after caught in the spotlight and killed.

wait, that's not true.

"best new artist kills four, wounds seven"

fadi doesn't seem like all that pleasant of a person either, really.

yes, but they were of bears