
that is actually a proportionate response.

*hands musictheoryjoey a stack of all the money*

*looks up said show*

maybe it'll be from the point of view of the demons. they're always trying to do their job, possessing people and so on,  what with exorcisms and pushy bosses, sometimes it's pretty tough! but in the end, they're friends, and they help each other out.


i can't like this one enough

that's not a man holding a dog, that's a man who has melded with an enormous beagle-beast

you'd think it would be obvious that you could find pictures of a very well known painter's work online…

who mentioned pity?

the fun thing about this is that there are real people who have to work at those places!

i support this whole-hearteldly, but who knows what strom thurmond could have pulled off in his prime

trek up 2: the streets

"the following video contains graphic sexual content. viewer discretion is advised"


@avclub-e3f5ab7f02122f95b801e13e2c586d6a:disqus  that's no barrier to marriage, really

once i got excited when someone from this site liked a comment i made, but then i remembered what site i was on and i got a little scared

pigs are nice, though.

*reads quickly through newswire. story about black flag gets painfully caught on several small hairs, causing much swearing*

if it happens all at once, it doesn't hurt as bad