
Maybe we should ask about her resignation instead?

I am not a huge fan of the second sentence either, “having afforded me this opportunity” is clunky as hell.

Was this something that people were questioning?  Of course he did it, he is the only one stupid enough to do something like that. 

can’t get his browser to load, and then screams that someone should be fired because of it. Then a bunch of terrified lackeys

Actually that would be a good reason to take them away.

I’m all in for Warren but will unenthusiastically vote for anyone else with a D by their name.

It is weird, he went straight home after the accident with a MAJOR back injury that required surgery......Tinfoil hat engaged. 

“The AR-15 is by far the most popular gun in America, by far,” she said. “I was just in middle-of-nowhere Wyoming... if you’re talking about taking people’s guns from them, there’s going to be a lot of violence.

Trump is a sociopath, its that simple.  A normal person would care, he goes golfing instead, he does not give a single shit about anyone who isn’t him.

Beat me to it, the GOP disconnect is unreal.  

If you want gun control, you need an amendment to the US Constitution. Anything else is pointless.

Exactly, they will go back to blaming the debt on whatever democrat is president and the GOP will block everything they try to do for 4 years and nobody will give a shit. The country is broken and we have faux to blame.

The second one.

Don’t be ridiculous, you rake the forest, and nuke the hurricanes.

How could anybody look at this objectively and say “Yeah this dude is doing a good job, glad we picked him.”???

founded as a response to mainstream athleisure brands which don’t adequately respect the Second Amendment.

discount athletic wear that will be sold at K-Mart.

My wife and I actually had this conversation last night.

Faux, I promise you that they watch faux 24/7

Yep, the no shit Sherlock team is here to represent.  Their supporters are the ones doing the shooting and the NRA is paying their bills they are going to deflect until it effects them personally.