
Let’s take the GOP’s response into consideration, they said that he is not a racist but was frustrated. So their defense is that the president is not racist, but he is an idiot that cannot control himself. I am not sure that is a defense I would take, but here we are. The president is either an idiot per his

Stating the obvious here but - If they don’t want to be called racist maybe they should try......Not being racist.

I talked about this the other day, everyone who still supports trump at this point is filthy rich or a racist. Those are the only groups of people he has done anything for.

If Democrats want to unite around the foul language & racist hatred spewed from the mouths

I thought we all agreed last week that “The Squad” is a dumb name?

I wonder how much of the book is “it wasn’t me, I tried to take him down” and “imagine what would have happened if I wasn’t there”

She isn’t racist, but she is a shitty leader.  There is no way she should have passed that bill knowing that 91 fellow democrats were going to vote against it.  The GOP have run 2 speakers out of town for way less.


Basically his “social media summit” was him complaining about not getting more likes. Ladies and gentlemen, the POTUS holding a serious summit to complain about social media.   

I assume this a-hole is a trump supporter as well?

Well, technically it is an illegal question so I guess it is a push.

My answer is going to be “I refuse to answer due to the fact that this question is unconstitutional per the supreme court”

Laws are only useful against democrats. 

Yeah, but he picked the Lakers and Cowboys, my most hated teams, screw them I hope they lose every game, every year, forever.

How can we bend over backwards to pander to the racists??

Pretty sure thats a lambo. 

Oh, you are a troll, my bad.

Well that and Demolition Man. Can we remake that too?

Yes, and they won that. So using your own argument they can refuse to serve the GOP.