
Ben Carson - “Oreo?”

I thought it was because the stars did not want to do anymore and 6 is what they could get them to agree to?

They don’t have any time, they spend it all ripping on the young dems instead..  

Because the cult of trump eats that shit up

Is it safe to assume you are also pro gun control and anti death penalty? If so you are in the minority, if not you are a hypocrite

Yep, ever watch an interview where they are asked about trump?  They waffle like crazy before they admit that they don’t care because he has an “R” next to his name. 

This is the correct answer, the GOP does not give a single shit about the bible or religion. But they do care about those sweet, sweet religious voters.

Don’t forget that for a year the guy who ran the NRA was a literal traitor.

Unless they were shot, then screw them right? That is the biggest hypocrisy of the “pro-life” people. They only care about the unborn. Get shot in school? Who cares. Death penalty? Heck yeah. School funding? Who needs that. They aren’t pro life they are pro forcing their religion on everyone else.

It makes you wonder if inheriting lots of money is a contributing factor to being stupid.

Not that it matters but it also goes against everything trump claims to believe.  How does war with Iran make america great?

That is their goal with these doomed bills, they want someone to challenge it and take it to the Supreme Court. Our only hope now is that the Judges stick to precedent and don’t cave to GOP pressure.

Yeah, I remember reading somewhere that a trade deficit is not a bad thing but I couldn’t find it. I figured the next best thing would be a statement from the Treasury stating that trade with China is good.

China buys MUCH less from us than we buy from them, by almost 500 Billion Dollars, so we are in a fantastic position.

Yep, this moved her to the top of my list.  

I thought it came out that he could not in fact build a wall and had to give the money back?

I am not sure if you are being serious or not but I agree, I am have been saying we need a propaganda channel like faux that repeats this stuff 24/7.

Damn, I forget that one.

Yep, it is insane that we let the NRA win this one.