Turn him off and on again, too much bloatware.
Turn him off and on again, too much bloatware.
Is it possible he had CTE?
It is typical GOP fear mongering, to make it simple for their followers to understand Socialism = Communism and Communism is bad, you aren’t a dirty commie are you?? Then vote republican.
True but it is the media’s fault for not holding her (or anyone else) accountable. Nobody bothered to ask her why or to explain any of her nonsense they simply repeat it.
I am partial to suckabee.
Agreed, but it is a pretty big BUT. At this point trump has committed far more crimes than Bush. So we are comparing war crimes (admittingly one large crime) with trumps 8,000 white collar crimes.
Maybe trump should have a chat with the president of PR and sort this out?
I disagree with that as well, Bush led to Obama, the GOP and faux outrage led to the racists to come out in force to support Trump.
Lol, it took 400 pages to say “no collusion”
That is all true, but trump is locking kids in cages due to their parents seeking asylum, which is perfectly legal. Trump started a trade war with China, his entire team is either in jail or on trial for lying, he has refused to help PR because he is a racist, is threatening to close the Mexico border.........do I…
No matter what information is given to the crazed Democrats from the No Collusion Mueller Report, it will never be good enough.
Still disagree, yes those are awful and he deserves the hate he gets, but that was after 9/11, he doesn’t get a free pass but he does get some leeway.
Trump is not yet the worst American President.
Meanwhile, school security experts like Michael Dorn—director of Safe Havens International, a Georgia-based nonprofit that’s the world’s largest K-12 school safety center—who has written 27 books on that very subject, doesn’t believe arming educators is the route to go.
Even if he’s about as palatable as that dead squirrel.
They can subpoena both can’t they? There is a darn good reason he has been hiding his taxes, that is reason enough to demand them.
You forgot blame democrats, see she is a closet democrat, that used to know a guy who worked for Hillary......Fake news
A “surge” of up to 750 U.S. Customs and Border personnel will be relocated to “affected areas” along the southern border,
There wasn’t a damn thing stopping them.