@sethmilk: Oh here comes the ridiculously high moral ground club. Ever taped a TV program? Recorded a song on cassette back in the day? I wonder.
@sethmilk: Oh here comes the ridiculously high moral ground club. Ever taped a TV program? Recorded a song on cassette back in the day? I wonder.
Sorry Infinity Ward, I'm not a fan of being analled with the $90 US dollar price tag for MW2 on Steam for anyone in Australia.
@deanbmmv: Exactly. That has been the argument the whole time.
Excuse me? What? Dedicated servers is one of the reasons I play on PC to begin with. Are you pulling my fucking leg Infinity Ward?
@jayntampa: As someone with The Orange Box on both the 360 and PC, I have to agree with ThreeOneFive. Even the original Half-Life 2 is more attractive on the PC.
I see you investigated the second girl there, judging from your screenshot.
This review cannot be serious if you failed to mention the ridiculous MSRP on all content in the Playstation Store.
I'd like it if developers on the PC could at least release non-playable game benchmarks so we could actually see in advance how our computers will run the game.
@AnEternalEnigma: So how on earth did I manage to play the level The Bog a month or so in advance on PC?
Am I the only one wondering why it includes a shutdown command for Windows 3.1?
@MooglesInMyFace: Bahahaha, you just scored yourself a follower.
My Samsung LCD HDTV's channel menu looks kinda like that :(
@Cinephile: I get the feeling you don't keep up to date with sales charts.
@rorkimaru: Hah. Yeah. What a joke. Region controls like this are just ridiculous. Thank god for stuff like HotSpot Shield.
@Ursus-Veritas: I'm going to give him the benefit of the doubt and say he was being sarcastic.
@TheMan70: Why is this comment not hidden?
@RockyRan: Yeah, it is a different story. They didn't produce the port. EA did. The fact that the PS3 version has received nothing in the way of updates is a fault on EA's part, not Valve's.
@mr ziege: I'll take your comment as sarcasm, since all the Battlefield games on PC are, to this day, buggy hunks of shit.
@BubbleF**kingBuddy: Cry some more. Us Australians have to get up at 3.25am for the MS conference.
@chrisgordon: Haha. You obviously know nothing about the PC platform whatsoever.