
…and then orders sniper!Quinn to shoot her in the other shoulder.

If there's ever a list made that compiles the best fist pump inducing moments of this season's Homeland… Carrie getting shot and Brody dying should tie for first place. #justicefortheinvisiblesonakachrisbrody

How about Jack Donaghy as Luther Billis in a hula skirt + coconut bra singing tunes from South Pacific? :P

Meet Me in Saint Louis is the most Family Friendly + Christmas themed musical out there. As long as they cast Esther correctly (someone with Broadway experience… Sutton Foster or maybe Sierra Boggess?) it could work well.

Now I'm just imagining NBC's televised Miss Saigon spectacular crossed with Donagey's fireworks special crossed with the Heaven and Hell highschool play in Rushmore (….

A Smash Inception spectacular?

A telemusical of Promises, Promises would be a safe bet (Christmas features in it… albeit in a rather depressing way). Ashford can just bring back most of his own revival cast. Cheno (or Megan Hilty if Cheno can't make it) as Fran, Tony Goldwyn (the president from Scandal) as Sheldrake, and stunt-cast Zachary Levi in

My Filipino mother introduced me to the King and I when I was little, and I adored it (I still love the songs), but as an adult I can definitely see how people would be offended by the film/show. I suppose now as an adult I try to remember that 'King' was created in the 1950s, based on a book written in the 1940's,

Exactly. A musical isn't a documentary, it doesn't have to be 100% historically accurate (most viewers would have the sense
to realize that), so color-blind casting isn't an issue if the trained performer has real talent.

Oh, nice one! Thing is I actually love Nathan Lane's comical version too (he's always had brilliant comic timing)! So idk… I think the role of Nathan Detroit could either go to someone loud/comic (like Lane), or someone a little more debonair (like Macfarlane and Sinatra….

I'm not so sure about JT as Sky (I'd much prefer Patrick Wilson), but I think MacFarlane would definitely suit the Nathan Detroit role. Vocally Seth would be on par with the Detroit (played by Sinatra) from the classic Brando film. He's sung tunes from Guys before, so he'd probably be up for it!

I swear if they ever do Kiss Me Kate or Guys n Dolls… as far as casting Broadway actors goes Danny Burnstein just has to be cast. He made a
great Luther Billis in PBS' South Pacific (…, and he'd work beautifully either as a gangster in Kate, or as Detroit/Nicely in Guys.

I know lots of people immediately think of Lea for Elphie (the Idina/Lea connection is strong), but for some reason I've always been curious to see what she'd be like as Glinda. In an animated film imo Lea would have the right amount of sass/snark/spark to play Glinda.

*Inserts Michael Scott 'NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!' gif here*

Ugh, I swear Rob Ashford has a thing for 'Smashifying' his cast lists and this needs to stop. What happened to Carrie here is reminiscent of the same stunt Ashford pulled when he thought Darren Criss, Nick Jonas, and Daniel Radcliffe (who was imo the best of the 3… that kid tried so hard, and he's so damned likeable)


Good god, that's some acid reflux inducing news right there.

It's funny that you mention Promises, Promises b/c Rob Ashford was responsible for the Cheno revival, and was also responsible for this Sound of Music remake.

IA, the love Moyer is getting here (just b/c he can sort of hum a tune, and is a far better actor than Carrie… who is understandably green re acting anyway) is quite baffling to me. I'm not sure what kind of direction Rob Ashford gave to Moyer, but seriously … what was up with Moyer shouting all the time and turning