
I barely got to the end of season 1 and that montage made me cry at the end. Screw you, Prophet... :,)

I don’t know Charles... Knowing that Catra died at least 9 times throughout the series is pretty freaking dark all things considered.

Ya, Disney should fire him for that or something.

Actually, the Gunn movie has deleted scenes that still showed Velma was attracted to Daphne. Look them up. 

Isn’t being this way just so tiresome?

Well, Mei is ethnically Chinese, so ... yeah.

Yes, by all means let’s judge people by what they wrong in jest one day.

everybody’s top is diferent, some people are bottoms

the episode of Aqua Teen Hunger Force in which Master Shake is bitten by a radioactive black man and becomes black and is tutored in being black by Meatwad’s imaginary friend/cardboard box Boxy Brown is also unavailable on HBO Max

The only reason she turned to the best friend crew was because she realized she lost and had no place in the Horde, so she turned to her next option for survival.

I’m one of of the fans who didn’t want Catra redeemed. I will give the show credit, her redemption was earned. She didn’t do one brave thing and suddenly all was well. It showed Catra falling back into old patterns and constantly having to struggle to grow and change. This, IMO, is very powerful for a children’s show:

The redemption arc started early enough to develop it. More importantly, other shows didn’t provide a therapy cat. Clawdeen Melog shapeshifting emotional support familiar feels much more integral than CAOS’s Salem even though it doesn’t speak English either.

I know I was one of the people that didn’t want to see Catra redeemed after the season before this one. But this season changed my mind and showed me that I was wrong. It is like the true hero of the show once said.

In a lot of stories, redemption is a lazy way out, a way to put a neat satisfying bow on a story that hasn’t earned it.” CoughcoughSTEVENUNIVERSEcoughcoughTHEDIAMONDScoughcough.

Someone watched Rise of Skywalker and was like, “Nope... NOPENOPENOPE!!!!”


I like how Adora’s hair was amazing in her ideal dream for the future.

Sure, Catra and Adora are sisters...mister.