
" Me, I'm still hoping Herman Cain evolves into a Pokemon that becomes invisible. Permanently."

That is a good deal O.o

A "crush of holiday shoppers" you say?

The Elder Scrolls XXXI: Stop Right There "Criminal Scum Edition"

I agree. This is the perfect description of what happens when I play the game. I don't know if they had that in mind while they made the game or what, but it worked out a little TOO well if you asked me.

That's basically what I'm arguing, I guess I could have worded that a little better, but meh.

Yes a game needs gameplay to be a game. No you don't need story. No you don't need sound/music. No you don't need graphics/art. But when you do it makes the game that much better. And when you throw something out just because it doesn't adhere to what you think makes a good game makes you that much more ignorant to

"People don't walk around calling themselves "moviers", and pretend they're the only ones allowed to watch films."

I actually really like this debate. Both sides bring up good points.

That's funny XD

I agree. Why would people get up in arms over who is playing what games? I mean it's their decision isn't it?

Not that bad. I listened to him the entire way through but started to get dazed by it halfway through.

I completely agree with you on the Call of Duty 2 being one of the best entries into the series Luke!

You got me!

You mean second to hardest difficulty, but I digress.

I dunno, he may be named that for some other completely unrelated Twitch incident.

D'Awwwwww! So cute!

Lets get everyone started!