
Can't believe Ball of Fire didn't make this list, but it seems weighted disproportionately toward the modern version of rom-coms.

It's = contraction of it is. Its = possessive. Firstly.

It's definitely a "poor" thing where I live. The more well-to-do have mostly quit, but the poors still smoke. I work in the wealthiest parts of an American city and live out in a poor rural area, and that's what I see.

Not native but gone wild in many parts of the South, and in some cases released for hunting.

As a vet of a couple of decades in an ad agency, I can tell you with absolute certainty that teams are not just for high school.

I was twenty years in the ad biz and never saw such a thing. And I've seen CDs flame out, most commonly due to alcoholism. Above a certain level they tended to fail upward, until they got to a certain age. Don's not that old yet. IRL other big agencies would have been offering him the moon due to his unquestionable