This kind of thing is why I:
This is ridiculous and I’m too offended to come up with a wittier comment than that.
shoulda used the digital air pressure gauge?
It seems fitting that Mini chose to reveal its new John Cooper Works Hardtop around the Yale University campus. This…
It’s called personality and charisma. I’ll take that over dogshit “deadlines” and hillbilly pandering and day of the week.
Maybe add in a part about how they won’t make any money on the deal if something else goes wrong, then have something else go wrong. I think the’d really spice it up.
God damn that show us so hard to watch with the shitty acting owner.
Ah yes, the cross armed shot. The staple of all American reality
tough guydouchebag characters.
Ah yes, the cross armed shot. The staple of all American reality tough guy characters.
I want a whole show about car culture in Cuba. I want to see dudes swapping old FIAT parts into Corvairs while smoking big fat cigars and drinking mojitos.
Strongly agree. I’m tired of fake conflicts. I try to watch FantomWorks, but I want to punch every single one of those over-acting hacks, most especially the owner.
Ditch the assholes, and the fabricated asshole drama.
No stupid deadlines to meet. Enough with the hotrods already. Build something other than American resto-mods. Pretty much just give Marty and Moog a TV show. I would also gladly watch any Petrolicious program for any extended period of time, but I don’t think that qualifies as ‘reality tv'.
86 the reality part, and copy one of these:
Tom, do not challenge the insurance industry advertisers. There is no peak to the stupidity, as there can always be more to come
I like the one that blathers something about “torque ratios” then says it’s part of doing your homework on buying a car. I think it’s part of doing your homework for the dumbass who wrote that commercial, and they didn’t do it.
Selling car insurance is a tricky thing, because you aren’t really selling something someone wants.
I was unaware the Flaming Lips had insufferable fans... I’ve seen them live a decent number of times (5 or 6, never traveled more than 2 hours) and haven’t really encountered any hardcore fans I wanted to punch in the face...
Parrotheads should be #1.