NFS: Porsche Unleashed was simply fantastic. Keyboard controls + manual transmission and I was unstoppable - any car, any track. It remains the high point of my life.
NFS: Porsche Unleashed was simply fantastic. Keyboard controls + manual transmission and I was unstoppable - any car, any track. It remains the high point of my life.
It's Jeff Gordon's final year? I wasn't aware.
"And a final reminder: Street racing is the dumbest thing and the people who do it are literal human garbage."
New New Beetle = Golf in fat suit
Looks like Lockheed's UCLASS entry.
NAPCO for the win! This was actually a Jam Handy production. Jam Handy was GM's in-house film company. Interestingly enough, in his autobiography, Smokey Yunick claims the Jam Handy group was actually GM's internal "secret police" / group of thugs.
This picture brings back memories of flaking rubber plastic coatings and crayon smell.
This guy. Not healthy.
A nod to the Chileans' kindness for helping them escape the Argentinean mob, I believe.
Want. That is, I want my wife to want, then I'll borrow when snow.
And fix the god-awful bloated VW Beetle too! More masculine?! Pfft! It's a Golf in a fat suit.
Did he answer everything with "white space"?
I've seen this headline before. Annually.
That's nice. Real, nice.
Because owners. See Corvette.
Well, the MINI's Sport button (or ring now) does = snap, crackle, pop exhaust. But the throttle response is really the main reason I use it. I've read somewhere that whilst gimmicky, the sport mode is really just a work around to meet mileage reqs.
The most manatee of all vehicles...