Looks unshattered.
Looks unshattered.
The very existence of posts like this trouble me deeply. Buy/drive whatever-the-hell you want!
I like my R56's spaceship noises. Especially with the JCW intake/exhaust. Really diggin' this interior though.
Yes, Katy. Discussion over.
The Edsel Project Shirt - $25
My two cents... I've worked with Jack Harry for many years. He's one of the nicer guys in this buisness - definitely not a bigot, homophobe, etc. Sure, he chides the KU fan base, but it's always with a twinkle in his eye and a mischievous smile. Certainly with no malice. He's also way too seasoned to let something…
Those brazen bandits. Copper Thieves
Working on a '59 version now actually. Hope to have it done soon.
"Copper Thieves" would be a badass car club name. http://society6.com/tonypiercekc/C…
The Bob Dylan motorcycle quote shirt from WorldShutYourMouth.com...
Do it!
Yeah. That's the hook?! It's like somebody posted the wrong cut.
Or Bob Dylan's motorcycle quote if you're the two-wheeled sort.
The Edsel Project shirt! The Edsel Project
Porsche Unleashed was epic.
I hate people.
Need to see in person. Witnessing the F-22 demo firsthand is surreal so I'd like to see if it's close.
The Aviationist has a killer video of the SU-35 demo. That plane is badass. Damn Ruskies.