WTF is up with the “people make basic ass characters!” and “people choose the basic ass romance option!”? It’s an RPG. Let them roleplay however they want and stop giving them shit for wanting to be “basic”.
WTF is up with the “people make basic ass characters!” and “people choose the basic ass romance option!”? It’s an RPG. Let them roleplay however they want and stop giving them shit for wanting to be “basic”.
Oh thank GOD you’re here. Was no one going to defend this mediocre re-use of Larian’s joke from two weeks ago? I’m so glad you have come to the defense of all humor!
First you put our custom characters on blast, now this? Why can’t we just enjoy things?
The original title of this article was: People should feel ashamed for not having the same sexual desires as me.
Life without salami and pepperoni doesn’t last longer, it just feels longer. 😒
With moderation, I’m sure it’s fine. Operative word is moderation, which many people seem incapable of doing in regards to food consumption.
Some source to that?
I think I’m sorta on the side of the bad hot take. Or I can at least see the reasoning.
What other pieces of media can someone simply stream themselves enjoying without paying a license. If people are really there to see the streamer, then just don’t let streamers have the game feed as more than 80% of the screen or…
I never played the game but holy shit, is that a Pokémon game with a man stabbed through the heart?? I am totally ready for the dark and gritty Pokémon sequel
Imagine charging full price for an unfinished game and telling customers they are playing it wrong.
Yup, this is the main reason right here!
A lot of people just want to go straight to gameplay and don’t care about anything else, so they’ll just use the default character and move on.
Hell I have a friend that skip every cutscene in any games and he still play game like this, rpg and others lol
Jezebel: how can we take something that women willingly do to themselves, and make men responsible for it?
Thanks for the boobs and butts!
Good lord, the hips on that Camie!!
Those Green Lanterns were not very good.
Obligatory rant about this photographer constantly indulging in medium shots. Is this not a celebration of cosplay? Shows us the whole costume please... not just hips on up. K thanks.
oh noez!
Nice for them to add content, I guess... now if only the game actually fun to play.
I’ve had the game on PC for a few years. I gave it a try a few times, including in VR, to see if I could finally enjoy it, since every big update seems to have added interesting stuff.... but no. No matter how much fancy stuff they add,…