
That sigh! I know you don't mean it. You don't want to throw away those Tindersticks albums. You're right, every album of theirs is "good" and "solid", but in every one you'll find at least one, maybe two, sometimes three or four astonishing songs. Before you throw them away put on "Waiting for the Moon" and listen to

89 minutes you say? I'm in! I'd have gone to BvS if it had said its piece in under 2 hours. Why are films so LONG now?

I'd like to be excited by Rogue One but the problem it shares with the prequels is the lack of any real dramatic tension. Will they get the plans? Oooh suspense! Unless they pull a switcheroo and make them deliver the plans in the opening scene (with a montage of all the bothans dying in the process).

English Patient? Surely that was 1997? I took my wife to that for our first date, and didn't meet her till 1997. (Off to IMDB) yeah US premier November 1996, US release December 1996, UK release March 1997. Perfect timing. Leicester Square and then dinner, somewhere. I know how to show a girl a good time.

I went to a Tindersticks concert earlier this year and thought I'd wear my black italian suit from 1997. I was worried it wouldn't fit me but (a) I've lost a decent amount of weight in the last couple of years and (b) it was like a fucking tent. I didn't wear it.

I saw the film with my 11 year old daughter and we agreed that McKinnon was hands down the best thing in it. Sure that's partly the part, but she certainly made it. She reminded me a bit of Klunk in "Stop the Pigeon" or whatever it was called.

I really enjoyed the film and didn't start to get fidgetty until I needed a pee near the end (so just wanted it to finish). I got a similar vibe to Force Awakens in that it told a different story but hit the same sort of beats, right up to the finale that was different enough to not be a complete copy but similar

I used to open a prime free trial on December 1st every year to give me an extra emergency option for present buying. Trouble is I note that most of the cheaper deals nowadays aren't prime enabled so there's less benefit unless I really need next day.

If you want an illustration of what makes "Music Has the Right to Children" and "Geogaddi" so fantastic, then indeed go and buy "The Campfire Headphase" again, because it isn't.

Rectus! Dominus!

Such a great album. My son was born in late 2000 and he had minor feeding problems when very young, so was very fractious (and skinny as a rake, which continues to this day). I had three new albums which were relatively soothing, this, the Blue Trees by Gorky's, and Selmasongs by Bjork (the album is restful, the film,

Expert Witness! Expert Witness!

No it's not the hands that suffered, it's the joysticks. There was a real glut of these games after the success of Track and Field in the arcade and the first I remember on the C64 was Daley Thompson's Decathlon. You indeed had to waggle the joystick back and forth frantically and we bust the left-right micro switches

No! It updates now. Every couple of weeks or so. Or months. But if does update. That Dark Science loop is strange and disturbing.

I have a Pro-Ject RPM turntable and it gives me the weirdest feeling. The turntable itself has no power going to it at all. The motor is a separate component, to which you attach the drive band to wind the platter. There of course is no pre-amp so you have to buy that separately. Whenever I put a record on it feels

Gently pushing the cartridge inward as it approached a bad scratch in order to try to gouge out a new path around the scratch. I'm not sure if that's the reason I needed so many styluses or if it's the reason the drive band kept losing traction. God I remember obsessively switching between my vinyl of Wowee Zowee and

I remember buying a tape of "You're living all over me" and took it back to the shop because it sounded like shit. I looked it up on Spotify last year and found that, yep, it DOES sound like shit. It wasn't the cassette that was at fault at all, but it did sound a lot like a bad, worn, cassette.

Hey Malkmus likes Perth. Well he wrote a song called "I Love Perth" which is… Is it really about Perth?

Amazon tells me that LttP was rewritten for the game boy advance and released with 4 swords. And that I bought it. So that's done then. Looks like Zelda 1 and Zelda 2 are the only ones left, and Zelda 2 isn't really the thing?

it's getting tricky in my old age to remember which Zelda games I've played. I got Link's Awakening DX on the GBC, and pretty sure I've played every game released since that one. So I don't think I've played… this one?