parkave231 can't get enough of that funky stuff

Looks like you're missing an 'R,' dude.

I'd totally rock those AMCs...but the Etienne Aigner VW and Ed Hardy dumb car? No thanks.

That price is too damn high! CP!


I didn't know VeeArrSix moved to Canada......though I can't admit I'd be surprised.

I agree!

Apparently the site is keeping one under wraps — they call it a 'Mystery Machine.'

#COTD indeed. Reminds me of my torque story...

Fun size — nice touch!

Mustang, I think.

Looks like I get to reuse one of my earlier creations!

True — I do find it generally much harder than Haiku Day, though.

There once was a man from Tennessee,

There's gotta be a Sunfire joke in here somewhere......

The Iron Duke / Tech 4 in the Fiero.

Nice job, Third Pedal Girl! Your comment gave me a needed laugh this morning.

That was extraordinary!

Definitely the first time I've seen side sticks mounted on that side of the respective crew members...