
Ok first off. Lapis and peridot being roommates is so cute! I just love the way that they discovered art and call it meepmorp. Peridot letting Lapis know where shes going and if she needed anything was hilarious, then when she asked what season of camp pining hearts shes on just flat out killed me.

Ima say this right now for everyone to see since I know some of you will cave into your desires but: Stay away from World of Steven Universe as numerous unwanted pop-ups will show up.

Man I gotta say that its really cool that we got to see a gem who is an awesome Blacksmith. Someone had to have made those weapons!

Mmm ah, I should've clarified. I don't think Steven was thinking about protecting Jasper when he fought Bismuth.

I don't think Steven poofed Bismuth to protect protect Jasper, only to prevent her from killing gems in general. Besides, Jasper is on her own side now and seeing how both Jasper and Bismuth see Steven as Rose, I could see them coming together with with that in common. Bismuth feels that Rose betrayed her and I can

That'd be interesting, but knowing Amethyst right now, she's not so bitter as to defect from the Pearl and Garnet. And especially Steven.

Hmm, that's gonna scar steven for a while now. Having to fight another Crystal Gem that his mom locked away. Too bad she's out of the picture already but I have a feeling she'll be back… with Jasper. I was hoping she would've stuck around a little longer and interacted with the other gems a little longer. Especially

I think this episode was P-mazing. Im glad this episode ended on a good note. Seeing Amy be harsh on herself hurts.

Technically, she has the sword.

But not a fused axe that belonged to a gem.

Id like them to interact with the rest as well. Id like to see what kind of insight would they get from them.

Combine the sword and shield into a huge axe perhaps?

Ooh, now this was an episode I was waiting for: Stevonnie throwing down with sword and shield at hand! So good. Overall, I like that the kids were getting a different kind of lesson from Amethyst. Prepare for being unprepared. They should do that more often, getting training from all three of them, as each has a

I felt this episode was a "B". As cute as this episide was, other than Jasper's appearance, I felt it was lacking. Just Steven and Connie walking in the snow wasnt really noteworthy.

She's the moody goth kid at the family reunion I gather.

Connie: "Steven, are there any more moms you aren't telling me about?!"

so I hear!

This was a great Lapis episode. The crew did a great job at expressing Lapis' emotions. I found them to be really well done at showing her fear, dread, and guilt. Parallels of an abusive relationship between Lapis and Jasper may have already been drawn for a while now but I like seeing it laid flat out like that and

Only a Diamond can cut another Diamond.

With what Lapis said what happened to her as well, most likely.