
Plus Tumblr we'll be seeing screencaps of each episode all day as she binges.

Garnet inviting Peri to fuse can also be seen as a metaphor for Peridot questioning her sexuality.

More like she'd run into it on the way and wonder what this archaic ritual is.

Wait until she discovers the internet.

And she doesn't even know what that is.

Considering we got 5 new episodes this week. Its only fair.

Seeing Peridot being terrified/geeking out at the thought of being a crystal gem is both hilarious and heartwarming.

This is why this show speaks to me so hard.

Green Dorito confirmed to be shipping trash. FML. Welcome to the dump Peri.
I love how Garnet invited Peridot to fuse in kind of a sultry way.

Until their untimely demise.

It has arrived!

Stick it to your boss Peri!

Yes. Peridot is one of us. ONE OF US. ONE OF US. ONE OF US.

Wha-hey hey hey! I didn't know you come around to these parts. Or you do and I wasn't paying attention.

Oh I bet there will be some crying for Peridot alright. Just not in a good way.

It was really well done and having Peridot singing is very hilariously in tune with the "singing and crying" she was on about

No no screw Disney World Florida too! It's all or nothing! No inbetweens!

Oh my goodness the song in the beginning is so precious. And I really hope Peridot doesn't go full arsehole with that crystal at the end.

My heart! It cant take it!