taylor hall


Castlevania: Symphony of the Night

Why?: SOTN is not only the best Castlevania but also invented a brand new genre. Mashing up platforming, adventure, exploration and rpg gameplay to create a new and wholly wonderful experience. So wonderful that you not only play it twice (once upside down) and don't complain but

Why? Because it's the best FPS of all time, it has gameplay and level design that even today is still enough to make you jump. It just has this "feel," like the game was against you, not holding your hand, with nonlinear (ish) levels with secrets galore. You just can't stop coming back to it.

My opinion is that the DRM wasn't nearly as Draconian was many on this site would have you believe.

Our consumer rights would have been intact. For the first time we would have had the ability to resell our digital content for some money back. What do you think the 24 hour DRM check was about? Hell, it would have resulted in lower prices since developers were still being supported with each digital sale. The family