Even Spider Man.
Even Spider Man.
She's looking damn good. Work that nasty orange. Work it because I cannot.
Isn't it kind of inappropriate for you to post a topless picture of her? :(
It would be a noble calling indeed.
In this picture, we see a kitty plotting her human's untimely demise.
(Some) abortion is now legal in Ireland for the first time, thanks to the country's new "Protection of Life During…
I was just thinking about all the times I'll invite my dad over to my house, since he hasn't been over since before I got two cats.
The best one is when Lindsay Lohan was doing the Debbie Downer sketch and EVERYONE fell apart.
Have not read the article. But...
I can't stop laughing. Help, I think I've hurt myself.
As if being bathed in the kitchen sink isn't horrible enough, to add insult to injury my step-mother uses the soap bubbles to make her dog look like a fawn.
How dare you cut onions in here and make me cry??? Not cool, man.
I'm not crying you're crying SHUT UP.
This book traumatized the shit out of me.
Those books managed to be horrifying and addictive at the same time. Also, I got them as a christmas gift from my "cool" aunt when I was in middle school. SUCH A WEIRD GIFT.
Yea...that's got to be it. Onions...somewhere...are being chopped.
Hey, Liz Lemon had the same idea!