Yeah, cry me a river.
Legacy placements: affirmative action for rich white people that is truly unfair and makes up a significant portion of admissions at elite schools.
I'll try to be nice... oh screw it.
Because legacies almost, if not always, involve White people.
Did anyone else notice the African-American news anchor in the background who is 110% done with Abigail Fisher's shit? Because that photobomb is my favorite part of this whole ordeal.
It's "Hungry Like The Wolf". He's in Morocco on the trail of a girl/wolf who scratches him on the face.
You have just been quoted on Slate by Emily Bazelon! She things Jezzies are wrong, but still...
I liked that Angelina, too, but I'm so glad she's grown as a person. More importantly, I'm so glad she's decided to use her fame for GOOD.
Yeah it's taken me a loooooonnnnggg time to get over that image. I think finally, I'm able to say that she is truly a good person and not just...Bono. I suck.
Yes, exactly, and you and RBG think alike. She wrote in the dissent...
that would be a great new jezebel feature to compliment the your pretend girlfriend/boyfriend ones.
I hope they're all labeled properly as "containing nuts."
These are awesome - mostly because they're still penises.
Maybe it's just me, but they still look like penii to my eyes.
NEVER apologize for The Jackal. NEVER.