
Yeah, cry me a river.

Legacy placements: affirmative action for rich white people that is truly unfair and makes up a significant portion of admissions at elite schools.

I'll try to be nice... oh screw it.

Because legacies almost, if not always, involve White people.

Did anyone else notice the African-American news anchor in the background who is 110% done with Abigail Fisher's shit? Because that photobomb is my favorite part of this whole ordeal.

It's "Hungry Like The Wolf". He's in Morocco on the trail of a girl/wolf who scratches him on the face.

You have just been quoted on Slate by Emily Bazelon! She things Jezzies are wrong, but still...

I liked that Angelina, too, but I'm so glad she's grown as a person. More importantly, I'm so glad she's decided to use her fame for GOOD.

"For El Generalissimo seduction is never impossible."

Yeah it's taken me a loooooonnnnggg time to get over that image. I think finally, I'm able to say that she is truly a good person and not just...Bono. I suck.

"How did I end up right in the middle of a game of "Marry, Boff, Kill?"

Yes, exactly, and you and RBG think alike. She wrote in the dissent...

"Look, Scalito - if you're going to infringe on voting rights, could you at least not infringe on my personal space? Or do you intend to eminient domain that as well?"

Y'all don't even DESERVE the awesomeness. Ms. Ginsburg says: talk to the hand.

that would be a great new jezebel feature to compliment the your pretend girlfriend/boyfriend ones.

I hope they're all labeled properly as "containing nuts."

These are awesome - mostly because they're still penises.

Maybe it's just me, but they still look like penii to my eyes.

NEVER apologize for The Jackal. NEVER.