The Tribune, as always, has the best rundown. They kept a running blog of the goings-on. The House just voted on the third reading and it passed. Now we wait for the Senate to take it up tomorrow.
The Tribune, as always, has the best rundown. They kept a running blog of the goings-on. The House just voted on the third reading and it passed. Now we wait for the Senate to take it up tomorrow.
Fuck the Texas GOP. I am so, so, SO tired of their shit. Ugh.
A linen pantsuit?
I've already been beaten to it: I am 100% turned off by business/finance guys. There's a weird air of entitlement to the vast majority of those that I've been unfortunate to meet. There's a neighbourhood of clubs/restaurants in my city where they congregate that's just south of where I live, and my skin crawls with…
WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS FUCKERY? Who 'bought' you, Ugliest Dog Contest judes??? Is Purina behind this? It is well known on the Internet chat rooms I frequent that Purina is actively funding the genetic research that would eliminate all breeds of dogs who look like anything other than labs, Jack Russel or Beagles,…
Trade out the boxer DNA for whippet and you've got Childhood Dog. Spit and image. (Slobber and image?)
What's that I hear? Is it the soaring of angels in the starry firmament?
Haha. Great minds.
I think those feet are too nice and small to be a guy's foot. But who knows.
That dog is clearly adorable. I have basset mixes and I love the stubby-leg, floppy-eared, sad-eyed look!
Those are the feets of the cunnilingus giver. :D
I think the idea is that those are her partner's feet, and he is going down on her beneath the sheet.
Its the guys feet who is going down on her?
If that's an ugly dog, what in the sam hill does a pretty dog look like?
Maybe Walle's ugliness is on the inside.
I tried to make a concise response, but yeah, my family IS really awesome. My parents are tremendous people. I don't often meditate on what they did for us by raising us that way, but now I am thinking about it so here is...
Internet rejoice! It's Lil BUB's birthday! And to think, it was only two years ago that we lived in a BUB-less…