Seems the picture changes every time you load the page. Still, though. That was odd.
Seems the picture changes every time you load the page. Still, though. That was odd.
Not that I necessarily object, but why is the background on Green’s website a picture of marijuana?
That’s a hatchet. Just sayin.
Preheat an iron skillet in the oven at 400. Throw a slice in that (keep it in the oven) for 6-ish minutes. It’ll change your life.
I have a pair. They do look stupid, but they work. I’m just a little too tall (and fat) to run the cord from my ears to my pocket. They are also good if you are in a place like my office where there is only one spot where I get service that is inconveniently not my desk.
If you are anywhere near Texas then you should immediately make your way to a Freebird’s. There is no comparison.